quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012

Murilo Benício Teaching his son about Marijuana! [PotQuotes #175]

"I talk about drugs with my older son. I say: marijuana is just as aggressive as cigarettes. It's a nice high, but moderation is all in our lives, you know? The worst thing to say is: 'don't do'. "

Murilo Benício, Rede Globo actor in an interview for GQ magazine.

segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012

Uruguay Legalizes, Argentina and Colombia decriminalize! [WeedNews #175]

It seems that Uruguay president, Jose Mujica, hit the target when he said the world needed a pioneer to approve marijuana legalization. Even though the Brazilian government pretends there's nothing happening, the movimentation to end prohibitionism is getting into Latin America.

Last Wednesday, June 27th, the Colombian Constitutional Tribunal decided that Estate do not have the right to criminalize individuals that possess a "minimal dosis" (1g of cocaine and 22g of marijuana) for proper use.

According to the tribunal, the user criminalization hurts human rights and the principle of bodies autonomy. However, the Court highlighted that the drug continues to be illegal and it should be seized and taken to destruction.