quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012

Murilo Benício Teaching his son about Marijuana! [PotQuotes #175]

"I talk about drugs with my older son. I say: marijuana is just as aggressive as cigarettes. It's a nice high, but moderation is all in our lives, you know? The worst thing to say is: 'don't do'. "

Murilo Benício, Rede Globo actor in an interview for GQ magazine.

segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2012

Uruguay Legalizes, Argentina and Colombia decriminalize! [WeedNews #175]

It seems that Uruguay president, Jose Mujica, hit the target when he said the world needed a pioneer to approve marijuana legalization. Even though the Brazilian government pretends there's nothing happening, the movimentation to end prohibitionism is getting into Latin America.

Last Wednesday, June 27th, the Colombian Constitutional Tribunal decided that Estate do not have the right to criminalize individuals that possess a "minimal dosis" (1g of cocaine and 22g of marijuana) for proper use.

According to the tribunal, the user criminalization hurts human rights and the principle of bodies autonomy. However, the Court highlighted that the drug continues to be illegal and it should be seized and taken to destruction.

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Marijuana Gif Gallery – It’s just a flower! [WeedGifs 172#]

It’s a visual high more than nothing! That’s why we have now in Hempadam a place for the unusual marijuana gifs! There are buds, kief, cartoon, movies, pots and, of course, symbols! Marijuana culture is full of representation and gifs are just one more tool to spread all this beauty. Read more to see all these week gifs!

weed gifs cannabis maconha gif]

segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012

Marijuana–Austin Nix [BeckBeat 01#]

Every day an uncountable new songs about marijuana are composed and published on youtube. It´s a strong culture of mystery plant. Every morning we have BeckBeat, and in this time we go slow to the Austin Nix´s flow, you know?! So… play it:

sábado, 2 de junho de 2012

Buds and More Buds! [aBUDance 01#]

This is our space to see the most beautiful world of flowers! And more, this plant in really big quantises. Now you going to see a gallery of big buds. Read more to make crazy your stoner head. This post was lazy to publish cause look the size, it´s heavy, man… more than 2kg of buds:

sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2012

What harm does this plant do? [HempSong 01#]

HempSong is our Friday afternoon blog session where we post (mainly Brazilian) songs. Our column today stars a still unknown band. They e-mailed us asking to share their song, “A Planta”. If it is good and talks about marijuana, there is nothing fairer than sharing it here!


If you want to suggest us something, like they did, e-mail us at hempadao@gmail.com

quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012

Anything About Hunger and Cannabis [Baurets Edition #01]

Welcome to World, Hempeople! [Adam & Weed 01#]

Come on, come on, Ladies and Gentlemen! The most delicious blog about marijuana in Brazil is now producing in english too! So what?! We are three years old and more than ten million page views. Our recipe is no secret: mix of humor and information made by a group of journalists and stoners. And without sequel, I will answer an important question now: Why bring this blog for the world? Hemp can be all. It’s known for a long time, Adam and Eve, or… weed.

It´s like hempie, you know? We need to invent words or worlds and it will be better with everywhere and body. A special mess of poetry, militancy, and of course, inside of all posts: cannabis culture. You will see here the most varied menu of stoners things and feelings. Welcome to Hempadam!